BIGST Cluster Technical Study: Continuous Effort in Transitioning to a Low Carbon Economy

2020 Media Release - 16 Dec


The technical study was launched during the 2020 Malaysia Bidding Round to all companies who were interested in the potential development of the Bujang, Inas, Guling, Sepat, and Tujoh) (BIGST) cluster. The resources are in the order of several trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas, which are located offshore Peninsular Malaysia. This study reflects the efforts towards a fast pace transitioning to a low-carbon economy, where the Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) technology solution will be key in monetising the fields.


The techno-economic feasibility study includes the selection of CO2 separation and capturing methods, utilisation of the produced CO2 in addition to the long-term storage management of injected carbon dioxide. This solution will potentially set the foundation for a new high CO2 hub in Peninsular Malaysia. Study agreements were opened to any interested parties independently to confirm the development feasibility. The evaluation of the resources will be conducted as well as the potential of the nearby fields for CO2 injection.  


The CO2 management solutions are part of an overall PETRONAS’ Sustainable Development Masterplan, designed by Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM) to reduce carbon emissions. In order to achieve this, a clear roadmap has been outlined for CCUS implementation through the deployment of more than 20 technologies at various levels of maturity that will be piloted in the next five (5) years. Nevertheless, competitive advantage in relation to collaboration and joint efforts in technology with the other partners will be key in realising the BIGST development project moving forward.  

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