Integrated Gas Success Story: Anggerik Field (North Malay Basin Phase 2) Achieves First Gas

2020 Media Release - 23 Dec

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Strong focus, commitment and determination to deliver business excellence by PETRONAS and its partner played a significant role in achieving first gas at the Anggerik Field under Phase 2 of the North Malay Basin (NMB) Integrated Gas Development Project on 5 September 2020. This follows the initial production attained at the Zetung Field on 8 December 2019. NMB Phase 2 is one of the few projects planned for Block PM302 which aims to maintain delivery of approximately 400 MMscf/d of gas under the Upstream Gas Sales Agreement (UGSA). 

Despite the enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO) coupled with other challenges, the project was successfully delivered with an unblemished HSE record. The successful completion of the project demonstrates the strength of collaborative efforts between the partners - HESS Malaysia B.V. and PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (PCSB) and the unwavering support from Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM).  

The NMB Integrated Gas Development Project is a phased development project with Phase 1 comprising of an early production system and a full-field development project, which achieved first gas in 2013 and 2017, respectively. Phase 2 includes the development of the Zetung and Anggerik fields which are located south of the Bergading Central Processing Platform (CPP), approximately 300 kilometers offshore Peninsular Malaysia.  

NMB Phase 2 includes a conventional Wellhead Platform (WHP) - Zetung, a minimal facilities WHP - Anggerik, an In-Line-Tee (ILT) and a 12” x 20km carbon steel pipeline to the Kesumba WHP. The commingled Full Well Stream (FWS) from the three fields (Zetung, Anggerik and Kesumba) will subsequently undergo processing at the Bergading CPP prior to the export of condensate through the Mekar Bergading Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO), and gas export to the onshore Terengganu Gas Terminal (TGAST). 

Congratulations to all parties for this achievement! PETRONAS looks forward for more successes in the upcoming NMB Integrated Gas Development Project activities.

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