Our history is a testament to the incredible feats we can accomplish when we work together, united and driven by the unstoppable force of a common purpose.
We have proven time and time again that no challenge is too great, no dream too bold, when we stand together as one. As we embark on the next 50 years, let us draw strength from the trailblazers who came before us, those who dared to dream and refused to be bound by the limitations of their time.
It is the collective hopes, dreams and aspirations that have built the strong foundation we stand on today. Let us uphold this enduring legacy. Let their incredible spirit of progress ignite the spark within us, fuelling the quest of our times and inspire us to continue leaving an indelible mark on history.
STORIES of humble beginnings never get old, and such is true for Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS), the national oil company which turned 50 this year.
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MENCECAH 50 tahun penubuhannya, ramai yang tidak tahu sejarah di sebalik permulaan serba sederhana Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS).
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KISAH kejayaan yang bermula dengan kesederhanaan tak lapuk dek zaman. Begitulah jua yang ditempa syarikat minyak dan gas negara, PETRONAS yang meniti usia 50 tahun penubuhannya.
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Since 1975, PETRONAS has been Powering Knowledge for almost 39,000 deserving students by providing education sponsorship. Exposure to learning begins from an early age, therefore it is important to create awareness, encouraging them to immense themselves into science, technology and sustainability.
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PETRONAS’ refinery in Melaka made its first 400,000-barrel crude oil shipment in 1994, a jump-start towards its supply of high-quality Jet A1 fuel to Kuala Lumpur International Airport. With research underway, PETRONAS aims to supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel for Malaysia Airlines with large-scale production set to start in the Pengerang Integrated Complex biorefinery by 2026.
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Torch 1
Torch 2
Since PETRONAS’ inception in 1974, it learnt quickly about the essence and intricacies of the petroleum industry. The company shifted from merely regulating Malaysia's petroleum resources to unlocking its true potential. Malaysia Petroleum Management entrusted to regulate, shape and enable the nation’s upstream industry has signed over 200 Production Sharing Contracts (PSC), a model that was introduced in 1976 to replace the concession system.
The new model was a catalyst to Malaysia taking charge of its destiny in the exploration and production industry – giving more equitable partnerships between Malaysia and other oil companies and at its core, designed to maximise its petroleum resources and promote benefits to the nation whilst developing Malaysian talents and expertise.
In the same stride of building homegrown capabilities, PETRONAS Carigali was first formed in 1978 as a contractor to the parent company and successfully drilled the Duyong gas field in Terengganu. As PETRONAS’ domestic operations grew, its capabilities and experiences expanded, instilling confidence and earning the trust of global stakeholders, unleashing PETRONAS’ potential as a global industry player. Today, PETRONAS Carigali’s presence currently extends across more than 20 countries worldwide, encompassing 224 producing fields, 451 offshore platforms and 34 floating facilities.
PETRONAS continues to invest in identifying and nurturing students through our sponsorship programmes and learning institutions, as part of our commitment to Powering Lives.
Through its education sponsorship programme, PETRONAS has been actively nurturing and unleashing potential of students for the energy industry and for Malaysia. Since 1975, dreams and potentials of some 38,000 deserving students were unlocked with many emerging as leaders of industries and contributors to the the society.
As human capital development at all levels will enable a continuous and sustainable pipeline of talent for PETRONAS, the industry, and the nation. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP), Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM), and PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) is a testament of PETRONAS’ commitment to learning and development of the communities, as well as its employees.
Exposure to learning begins from an early age, and therefore, PETRONAS through Petrosains, an interactive and experiential discovery centre, encourages kids to play their way to learning science, technology, and mathematics (STEM), and creating awareness on sustainability.
Although PETRONAS' first service station located in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala Lumpur was opened in 1981 during a heavy downpour, our retail arm, PETRONAS Dagangan lets nothing get in the way of making customers' lives simpler and better
Workshops from back in the early station days now turned to over 800 retail shops, Kedai Mesra, offering nothing short of variety. From everyday essentials to fresh fruits and vegetables directly from farms, every trip from one shop to another promises something different, something unique to the area. Kedai Mesra becomes the go-to-place to grab quality local delights from cakes, crisps and juices. Café Mesra was introduced next, a no-frills café chain serving Barista-quality coffee-on-the-go with freshly baked pastries and savouries. The café emphasises on quality and nutrients with the belief that healthy living should be accessible to all.
And it’s not just the good food that makes customers feel good. Shopping, refueling, even EV charging at PETRONAS stations are made even easier through the Setel app, where customers enjoy reward points for every transaction made. It's in the smallest ways to enhance customers' and communities' experiences, is PETRONAS' way of saying, thank you.
On a cold morning of 29 January 1983, Tenaga Satu reached the harbour of the Sodegaura Terminal in Tokyo. The maiden LNG shipment to Japan from PETRONAS LNG Complex in Sarawak, Malaysia marked the beginning of the country’s entry into the industry in the wake of rising LNG trade and Asia’s ferocious appetite for growth.
Since then, the complex has supplied more than 12,700 cargoes to customers around the world and still is today one of the worlds’ largest LNG processing facilities in a single location.
Long-standing partnership with Japan has grown into a cooperation with Japan’s Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI) on developing a framework covering investments, reduction in GHG emissions and promotion of flexible and liquid LNG markets to strengthen Asia’s energy security.
Partnerships built on the credence of reliability and trust are the bedrocks of our growth. To ensure Malaysia’s industries can enjoy the benefits of natural gas, PETRONAS invested in the Peninsular Gas Utilisation network (PGU) since way back in 1984 which today can transport up to 3,500 mmscfd of natural gas and devised the Virtual Pipeline System which delivers LNG using trucks fitted with cryogenic tanks to customers off the grid too. Investment in digitalisation enables remote operations of PETRONAS’ two regasification facilities to ensure Malaysia’s growing LNG needs are secured well into the future.
PETRONAS brought a dream to life with 2 floating LNG facilities, PFLNG SATU and PFLNG DUA enabling the country's ability to unlock natural gas from hard-to-reach areas. A nearshore floating LNG facility is on its way in Sabah, Malaysia, while an LNG plant powered by hydroelectricity is being developed in Canada to expand the company’s LNG supply nodes in preparing for future world energy needs.
PETRONAS has always prioritised its people through the company’s long commitment of creating an inclusive workplace for everyone by instilling a sense of belonging and purpose. Just two years after its inception, a recreational club, Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi PETRONAS (KSRP) catering to the employees’ diverse interests was established, setting the precedent for various clubs and associations within the organisation.
The company celebrates those who have shaped its journey and continues to care for the well-being of others who are still forging the path ahead.
Since 1984, on the 10th anniversary, PETRONAS celebrated the first group of employees who had been there since its founding. All 12 pioneers were individually honoured at a meaningful ceremony and today, PETRONAS continues this tradition with the annual Majlis Sekalung Budi, or Long Service Award Ceremony where thousands of long-serving employees are each year celebrated and recognised personally by the PETRONAS President and Group CEO.
Way back in 1985, the ASEAN Bintulu Fertilizer (ABF) commenced operations to deliver a shared aspiration by the region to be more self-sufficient in food production. Capacity and capabilities grew, with over 2,700 metric tonnes of urea per annum produced through ABF and the opening of PETRONAS Chemicals Fertiliser facilities in Kedah and Sabah, meeting growing demands from Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific. In 1993, PETRONAS celebrated the one million mark of being the sole supplier of granular urea to Japan’s National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Association (ZEN-NOH), after it passed a detailed test-run for a customised specification requirement. 90% of Japan’s rice fields are still grown with PETRONAS’ granular urea until this very day.
PETRONAS’ collaboration with Malaysia’s
National Farmers Organisation (NAFAS)
saw Blue Urea deployment in paddy
fields in Kedah, the north of
Malaysia. The innovative fertiliser
saw increased paddy production
from 2.95 tonnes per hectare to 7
tonnes per hectare over a season.
PETRONAS’ fertiliser experts also collaborate with
PETRONAS’ venture companies to curate smart farming
technologies such as drone sprayers for adoption at
scale by Malaysia’s agricultural industry. By spurring
innovation and technology advancements in farming,
farmers can enjoy better yields and youth are more
attracted to join the field.
In 1994, a century year old
banyan tree which stood
at the construction site of
Towers wasn’t cut down.
The tree was replanted instead
at a nearby location, which is
now a 20-hectare lush natural
park surrounding the towers and
home to some 1,900 species of
native Malaysian trees.
PETRONAS continues Planting
Tomorrow today together with
communities. Since 2006, over 20,000
mangrove trees of varying species have
been replanted along Kertih river in
Terengganu, the East Coast of Malaysia
by hundreds of volunteers from
surrounding villages. The majestic
mangrove forest protects coastlines
from erosion and attracts thousands of
visitors going on a river cruise, a
guided tour or even to watch the light
display of fireflies. While there, a visit to
the ecoCare centre, where PETRONAS
in partnership with Malaysian Nature
Society dedicates its ongoing efforts on
mangrove conservation
awareness, is a must. In
Johor at the South of
Malaysia, communities in
Pulau Tanjung Surat are
also coming together to
plant mangrove trees with
PETRONAS, which has
become an integral part
of eco-tourism attraction
in the island too.
Beyond banyan and mangrove,
PETRONAS employees, over 23,000 of
them made over 24 billion steps in the
“Walk4Trees” challenge where
PETRONAS pledges for a tree being
planted for every million steps made.
57,454 trees have been planted
nationwide by Yayasan PETRONAS, the
company’s arm for social impact, with
every tree becoming the reason for
every step an employee takes.
It seemed like yesterday,
though it was way back
in 1994, when
PETRONAS’ refinery in
Melaka supplied the first
batch of aviation fuel for Malaysia
Airlines. A similar milestone is set to
be achieved come 2027, this time
with the offtake of Sustainable
Aviation Fuel (SAF) by the national
Various non-food bio feedstock are in
R&D and pilot stages in preparation
for its large scale production planned
to commence by 2026 at PETRONAS’
first biorefinery, the Pengerang
Integrated Complex.
Vegetable Oil or
renewable diesel will
also be produced from
the same biorefinery as
alternatives for the
transportation industry.
PETRONAS fuels and fluids, formulated at the company’s research centres
in Bangi, Malaysia and Turin, Italy, have fuelled the Mercedes-AMG
PETRONAS Formula One Team since 2010. The partnership has helped
secure eight consecutive Constructors’
World Championships in the process.
These centres are now hard at work formulating
PETRONAS’ future fuels, to comply with Formula
1’s switch to Advanced Sustainable Fuels from the
2026 season and beyond.
PETRONAS will continue to transfer what it learns
on the track into the development processes of
its road-going fuel formulations, in order
to benefit consumers.
The COVID-19 pandemic
shook the world from any
form of stability and
certainty. Amidst the free
plunge of oil price in a world
strapped at a standstill, PETRONAS kept
fighting on. PETRONAS’ companies,
operations, associations and staff globally
banded together and contributed a total
of RM 50.6 million in cash and kind to help
flatten the pandemic’s curve. Another
over RM 20 million worth of medical
equipment and supplies were delivered by
Yayasan PETRONAS to aid Malaysia’s
hospitals and frontliners.
Students and staff of Universiti Teknologi
PETRONAS used 3D printing and laser cut
technology to produce face masks,
PETRONAS Chemicals Group supplied
polypropelene for universities to produce
face shield frames, PETRONAS Lubricants
International converted its coolant
production lines to manufacture sanitisers
for hospitals and communities in Italy and
Brazil and provided fluids for truck fleets
for carrying essentials and supporting
construction of hospitals in Wuhan, China.
Program MEKAR was
implemented for lower
income groups in
Malaysia to overcome
hardships compounded
by the pandemic, by
them building sustainable
businesses through
targeted mentoring and training schemes.
Over 200 Oil and Gas Service Equipment
(OGSE) high performing vendors in Malaysia
were enrolled in the Vendor Financing
Programme to support the local
ecosystem in the challenging
Beyond interventions targeted to overcome the
pandemic woes, PETRONAS continues Uplifting
Lives through various sustainable social impact
programmes such as Water for Life, giving access
to clean water for communities from Sabah to
South Sudan, and Rays of Hope, powering homes
of Orang Asli (indigenous communities) across
Malaysia with solar energy.
The world needs more energy with 9 billion of us
sharing the world by year 2050. To ensure PETRONAS
continues to deliver energy responsibly for growing
needs, the company will be reducing its emissions
through the four decarbonisation levers outlined in
PETRONAS’ Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 pathway.
The first carbon injection is set to
take place by year 2026 through the
Kasawari Phase 2 (M1 CO₂ Storage)
project, expecting to reduce 3.3 MtCO₂e
annually. It will be the catalyst towards unlocking
Malaysia’s potential to be the CCS hub for the region.
PETRONAS has also lined up two additional CCS projects;
within the Lang Lebah field and the Bujang, Inas, Guling, Sepat
and Tujoh (BIGST) fields ensuring security of gas supply to meet
demand. The company is also establishing three Regional CCS Hubs to
decarbonise PETRONAS LNG Complex, PETRONAS Gas Processing
Plants and subsequently enabling local and regional industries to reduce
emissions from its operations.
PETRONAS is continuously transforming towards low
carbon facilities, operating with zero routine flaring,
achieving world class energy effciency through
technology and strategic renewable energy
applications while maximising hydrocarbon value. The
company is also advancing efforts to reduce emissions
through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). While
decarbonising our operations, we are providing
solutions for local and foreign industries, positioning
Malaysia as the CCS hub for the region.
PETRONAS’ innovations
are inspired by the
needs of present and
future times and the
company harnesses
them from all around by building a
strong innovation ecosystem. The
company drives collaboration across
its innovation portfolio with a
dedicated Innovation
PETRONAS is shaping a
tech-driven start-up ecosystem
to serve its business and nation
building needs through
FutureTech and develop young
changemakers in setting up
their social enterprises through
From the frontlines of its operations, PETRONAS
has developed the Remote Autonomous Operations
suite that unlocks the power of robotics, 5G
technologies and Industrial Internet of Things to
keep its operators safe and increase efficiencies.
The company even crowd-sourced solutions to be
scaled up through its worldwide Race2Decarbonise
Hackathon to turbo charge the company’s efforts in
meeting its short-term targets towards achieving
Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050.
With an innovative spirit and
persistent technological pursuits,
PETRONAS is opening doors to
new horizons where natural resources
can have better
stewardship, enabling a
low-waste future and
minimising carbon
footprint for continuous
value creation.
The company is paving roads with
ProBit+, a Plastic Modified Bitumen
made from plastic waste that can
increase road life span by at least 25%.
It is protecting structures in harsh
environments and boosting
performance of lithium-ion batteries
by harnessing the power of graphene,
an advanced material that can be
made from refinery waste and exhibits
extreme strength of 200 times greater
than steel.
Gentari was established to pursue new growth
opportunities in the energy transition, with
three initial core offerings. Renewable
energy is aimed to achieve 30-40 GW of
installed capacity. Hydrogen is envisioned
to produce 1.2 MTPA of clean hydrogen.
Green mobility is geared to capture
more than 10% of the Charging Points
and Vehicle-as-a-Service market
share across Asia Pacific’s key
countries. And these targets are to
be achieved by year 2030.
With the acquisition of Perstorp
Group, PETRONAS is expanding its
specialty chemicals portfolio and
with the grant by the European
Union Innovation Fund, a large-scale
production of sustainable methanol
from captured carbon dioxide (CCU),
bio-based feedstock and hydrogen
from electrolysis is due to be
commissioned at the end of 2026.
Since 1975, PETRONAS has been Powering Knowledge for almost 39,000 deserving students by providing education sponsorship. Exposure to learning begins from an early age, therefore it is important to create awareness, encouraging them to immense themselves into science, technology and sustainability.
Discover PETRONAS @Schools is a programme which aims to encourage students to diverse careers paths across the oil, gas and energy sectors besides opportunities for students residing in remote areas. Over 300 youths from various schools joined the programme, that featured interactive career forums and booths, as well as experimental learning conducted by PETRONAS volunteers.
Overall, Discover PETRONAS @School is a holistic educational initiative that seeks to arouse curiosity, foster innovation, and nurture talent among school students in Malaysia, ultimately contributing to the country's development and progress in science and technology. Our 50th Anniversary isn't merely a celebration of past accomplishments, it's a resolute affirmation of our dedication to empowering the future leaders of tomorrow.
PETRONAS’ refinery in Melaka made its first 400,000-barrel crude oil shipment in 1994, a jump-start towards its supply of high-quality Jet A1 fuel to Kuala Lumpur International Airport. With research underway, PETRONAS aims to supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel for Malaysia Airlines with large-scale production set to start in the Pengerang Integrated Complex biorefinery by 2026.
Today, PETRONAS is supporting Mercedes AMG PETRONAS F1 and its customer teams with advanced sustainable E10 fuel, comprising 10% second- generation non-food-based ethanol, which reduces carbon dioxide emissions overall. PETRONAS is fully equipped with the capacity and capabilities to perfect the technology to produce and supply 100% advanced sustainable fuel for the next-generation F1 power units.
We were resolute in responsibly managing the hydrocarbon resources entrusted to PETRONAS and growing the size of the value pie for the benefit of our stakeholders.
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Cras malesuada, eros non commodo ultricies, odio lectus tristique urna, ut tincidunt magna justo at ipsum. Sed lacinia, velit nec accumsan posuere, justo nibh tincidunt lorem, a mattis sapien ex at sem. Ut interdum, metus at bibendum molestie,
President and Group Chief Executive Officer
We executed our strategy aligned to our Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 Pathway. The Group is committed to deliver energy for the growing needs of today and develop solutions that will help us move closer to a lower-carbon future.
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