POTF Solution Suite
An Integrated Operation Centre that receives real time data for prognosis and trending, artificial intelligence & big data analytics for real-time monitoring, analysis, seamless decision making & KPI’s dashboard via i-PIMS.

Successfully solved pain points for i-PIMS.

Non-standardization of systems across pipeline value chains

Lack of system integrations between exiting pipeline solutions and other independent solutions

Manual report data sharing and submission between contractors and engineers
Utilizes big data analytics and machine learning to predict the occurrence of corrosion metal loss along the pipelines.
Successfully solved pain points for PrAnCorr.

Increased OPEX spending for intelligent pigging, operation pigging, chemical injection and etc. to control & monitor internal corrosion activities

Unutilized big data from operational and inspection data to uncover corrosion dimension prediction & classification

Incidences or downtime due to corrosion threat caused significant loss to pipeline operators
Predictive analytic tool powered by deep learning to predict behavior and formation of dynamic freespan using historical inspection and metocean data.
Successfully solved pain points for PrAnSpan.

Challenges for effective free span intervention mainly due to uneven seabed, local scouring, flow turbulence and soil instability

High cost of underwater inspection campaign and free span behavior that changes over time

Challenges in determining inspection intervals and approachment improvements in managing dynamic free span threats and intervention
Predictive analytics tool using drone aerial surveillance data to identify 3rd party encroachment threats and geohazards along pipeline right-of-way.
Successfully solved pain points for PrAn3G.

3rd party and external encroachment on pipeline's right-of-way that causes pipeline failures leading to loss of pipeline containment

Safety risk of operation personnel during ground patrolling and accessibility to high-risk areas leading to usage of aerial surveillance

Due to the lengthy process from manual data entries and surveillance data, this causes delayed site verification and geohazard risk estimation
About Us
Who we are
We are a group of highly skilled, well versed and experienced engineers who have pledged to resolve the complex problems of our industry pain points. We offer digital solutions that ensure the safety and reliability of hydrocarbon transportation within the ALARP risk.
With our digital solutions, we have achieved up to RM129.14 Million (USD 30.7 Million) of realized value by optimising inspection and maintenance for our offshore and onshore pipelines.
This resulted in preventing future opportunity losses and pipeline failures to PETRONAS' businesses in downstream, upstream and gas.
Our commitments to sustainability pledges have successfully reduced