Malaysia E&P




As a responsible host authority, MPM governs the process of the Decommissioning of all disused upstream installations that have ceased production or are at the end of their design life, consistent with national laws and international conventions.

The key role for the Asset Decommissioning section is to regulate, promote and drive decommissioning execution that is safe, cost effective and brings the best benefit to the environment.

“Abandonment/Decommissioning” means the removal and abandonment of Petroleum Facilities as approved by PETRONAS that are disused or no longer required for Petroleum Operations to restore the affected Contract Area to a safe and environmentally stable condition.

Total Removal/Disposal







    Malaysia Decommissioning Experience



    Decommissioning Options



    Total Removal/Disposal


    Ketam Platform

    Ketam, Sabah was decommissioned and removed in 2004.

    Samarang-4 Platform

    Samarang-4, Sabah was decommissioned and removed in 2012.

    Samarang Vent-A Platform

    Samarang Vent-A, Sabah was decommissioned and removed in 2012.

    Cendor MOPU Platform

    Cendor MOPU, Terengganu was decommissioned and removed in 2014.

    Reuse of Platform



    The Rigs-to-Reef (“R2R”) journey began about 20 years ago in 2004, when PETRONAS successfully repurposed the storm-damaged Baram-8 platform into an artificial reef in Sarawak. Over a decade later, in 2017, the Kapal platform structures were reefed near Pulau Kapas, Terengganu as well as D30 and Dana, off-the-coast of Sarawak. At the end of 2024, we will be completing another R2R project off-the-coast of Terengganu, bringing this to 5 repurposed platforms.

    R2R has been scientifically proven to restore, create and enhance marine habitats, resulting in an enhanced marine biodiversity. Through monitoring of the reefed structures, in collaboration with and led by the Department of Fisheries, an increase of 30 per cent in fish species in the area were observed, with an average of 10 per cent growth of food for fishes annually. At the Pulau Kapas reef site for example, this translates to approximately 3,000kg more fish in the area.

    Carbon Capture & Storage


    M1 wells P&A were performed in 2023 to support Kasawari Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Project.


    M3 wells P&A commenced in 2022 with potential to support a future Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Project.


    F23SW was decommissioned in 2021 and currently being used at UTP for educational purposes

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