Technology Application and Replication (TAR) Dialogue: Enabling Industry-wide Collaboration to Implement Innovative Solutions

2021 Media Release - 16 Feb

Today, technology is one of the key enablers to monetise all types of assets, optimise production and enhance operational efficiency throughout the field life. 

The Technology Application and Replication (TAR) Dialogue, an effort initiated by PETRONAS’ Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), aims to step up the pace of technology replications in Malaysia. It is an industry-wide collaboration platform facilitated by MPM where industry players are brought together to share the applications of successful technologies, best practices and lessons learnt. This includes sharing of technology assessment and potential replications to solve problems by thinking beyond existing boundaries, while also offering networking opportunities for people in the industry. Following TAR Dialogue sessions, the pace and momentum to deliver solutions are kept up by monitoring the technologies through a structured approach such as development of best practices/technical standards, as well as high-level roadmaps for each technology and streamlined action plans for implementation. 

Since its establishment in 2017, 12 TAR Dialogues have been conducted with over 50 sharing sessions held on technologies, best practices and lessons learnt. Some of the TAR Dialogue sessions were organised by MPM while other sessions were co-organised with PETRONAS Group Research and Technology (GR&T), PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB), Sapura Energy and ExxonMobil. The events also received encouraging participations from other Petroleum Arrangement Contractors (PACs) such as EnQuest, Shell, SEA Hibiscus, PTTEP, Vestigo Petroleum, Repsol and Hess; together with service providers including Baker Hughes, Halliburton and Weatherford. Recent TAR highlights included contaminants management, deepwater fields management and technologies, alternative artificial lift methods, well completion technologies, GeoImaging and Reservoir, Wells, Facilities Management (RWFM). Through the joint efforts among PETRONAS, PACs and service providers, the technology replications altogether have achieved over 50 MMstb incremental reserves, over 10 kbd production gain and over RM200 million in value creation. 

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