MPM Covid-19 Message August 2021

2021 Media Release - 16 Aug

Dear Friends and Colleagues in the Oil and Gas Industry, 

The fight against Covid-19 is far from over. As the regulator for the Oil and Gas Upstream industry in Malaysia, the safety, health and wellbeing of everyone who works in it remains our top priority. Together with our Petroleum Arrangement Contractors (PACs), PETRONAS is working very hard towards achieving Covid-19 free status in our working environment as soon as possible. 

In this regard, PETRONAS has recently rolled out a more comprehensive Green Bubble (GB) Framework and introduced the MyPeT (My Personal eTracker) app throughout the industry. Together with the vaccination drive undertaken by the government, this GB framework will help us achieve a safer environment for everyone within the industry so that we can continue meeting the energy needs of the country and our customers across the world. 

Our target is 100% full vaccination by 1st October 2021 for all the frontliners covering both onshore and offshore work ecosystems throughout the country. Without your full participation in the various vaccination programmes supported by PETRONAS and other key stakeholders, the current defensive measures, including the extended tour of duty may continue longer than necessary. 

With this in mind, we urge you to continue rallying everyone around you to get vaccinated soonest and to strictly comply with the SOPs so that together, we can achieve the Covid-19-free environment at pace.

We thank you for your continuous support.

Malaysia Petroleum Management
August 2021

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