Investor FAQ Page

PGB Stock

When was PGB listed?

​​PGB was listed on the main market of Bursa Malaysia on 4 September 1995. 


What is PGB’s stock symbol?

PGB’s common stock on Bursa Malaysia is traded under the ticker symbol PETGAS (6033).


Information on PGB can be also be accessed via the ticker PTG MK for Bloomberg and PGAS.KL for Reuters.


How can I get the current PGB stock price?

Current and historical stock prices of PGB’s common stock can be found on our (provide link) and on the (provide link on Bursa Website).


How do I buy PGB stock?

PGB does not sell our common shares directly. Interested individuals may purchase PGB stock through stock brokers who are members of Bursa Malaysia which are listed here.

Financial Reporting

What is PGB’s fiscal year end?

PGB’s financial year ends on 31 December. 


When does PGB release its financial results?

PGB releases our financial results every quarter, about one and a half months to two months after the financial quarter end. The dates for the financial results announcements are in the (event/calendar link).


How can I download quarterly and annual reports?

You can download the quarterly reports (provide link) and annual reports (provide link).


Where can I download PGB’s latest analyst briefing presentations?

You can download the presentations here (provide link).


Does PGB have any dividend policy?

PGB has a long-term dividend policy of around 50% consolidated profit after tax and non-controlling interest. 


The Group’s dividend payout ratio has been more than 70% in the last five years.


When does PGB declare dividends?

PGB declares its dividends on a quarterly basis, subject to approval by the Board. More information on dividends can be found (corporate presentation link).  


Is PGB affected by the declining/increasing/change in crude price? 

PGB is not directly affected by the decline in crude oil price as our business is gas infrastructure play. Our earnings stream remains steady with more than 90% of our business (gross profit) underpinned by long term contracts which fully underwrites capacity regardless of utilisation.


What is the impact of gas market liberalisation to PGB?

Gas market liberalisation will ultimately provide wider options for Malaysia’s gas consumers to purchase from. The ability for businesses to control their own gas cost on a level playing field would provide stronger growth trajectory for Malaysia’s economy.


This sets a platform for increased gas demand and higher utilisation of our PGU and Regasification assets.


As for regulated prices, the outlook is heavily influenced by the balance of forces between the Government’s pursuit of gas market liberalisation and the need to maintain affordable electricity tariffs to consumers and ensure the competitiveness of our local industries are protected. 


For Utilities business, there should be minimal impact as the cost of fuel gas is largely pass-through to customers except electricity which is dependent on the electricity tariff regulated by Government.

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