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PETRONAS' Exploration Yields Significant Successes in Malaysia and Abroad

2024 Media Release - 8 Aug

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 August 2024 - PETRONAS has achieved outstanding successes in its exploration and appraisal activities in both Peninsular Malaysia and internationally, during the first half of 2024.

One notable discovery in Malaysia is the Bekok Deep-1 oil and gas exploration made in May. It stands out due to its promising well testing results, which demonstrate a strong hydrocarbon flow rate. This discovery highlights substantial hydrocarbon potential in this new play, marking a significant milestone in Peninsular Malaysia’s energy sector over the past decade. 

On the international front, PETRONAS has achieved success in Suriname with the Sloanea-2 appraisal well in Block 52 which was drilled in June. This accomplishment has bolstered PETRONAS’ prospects in the basin and opens the possibility of developing a standalone Floating Liquified Natural Gas (FLNG) project at the field in the future.

PETRONAS is currently assessing the feasibility of an integrated development strategy for gas and oil extraction within Block 52.

“We are extremely pleased with these breakthroughs, as they reaffirm PETRONAS’ commitment and expertise to providing exceptional value through substantial discoveries in Malaysia and internationally, driven by strategic and innovative approaches,” said PETRONAS Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Upstream, Mohd Jukris Abdul Wahab.

Jukris added, “These milestones underscore PETRONAS' ongoing initiatives to enhance our exploration endeavors in selected focus regions and strive for sustainable resource replenishment.”

PETRONAS remains committed to leveraging advanced exploration technologies to ensure the delivery of cost-effective and dependable energy during the rapid energy transition.

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