Copyright © 2025 Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) (20076-K).
All rights reserved.
openness and accountability in the conduct of its businesses and operations. It aspires to conduct its affairs in an ethical, responsible and transparent manner.
PETRONAS provides avenue for all employees of PETRONAS and members of the public to disclose any improper conduct within PETRONAS.
Any parties can report a whistleblowing complaint on any wrongdoings that they may observe and experience as following:
The above list is not exhaustive and includes any act or omissions, which if proven, will constitute an act of misconduct under PETRONAS’ Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE) or any criminal offence under relevant legislations in force.
PETRONAS uses a platform powered by Whispli, a secure and confidential communication channel.
The Whispli platform protects your identity through the following:
PETRONAS WhistleNOW is dedicated for reporting of any improper conduct that constitute an act of misconduct under PETRONAS’ Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE) or any criminal offence under relevant legislations in force. For customer feedback, scam alert or general inquiries, please visit the Voice Your Concern page for more information.
Alternatively, you may also submit your disclosure through any of the following channels:
P.O Box No. 11646, Pejabat Pos Besar Kuala Lumpur
(P.O Box services are only supported by Pos Malaysia Berhad)
A whistleblower who submit a disclosure via PETRONAS Whistleblowing channels will be accorded with protection of confidentiality of identity, to the extent reasonably practicable. In addition, an employee who whistleblows internally will also be protected against any adverse and detrimental actions for disclosing any improper conduct committed or about to be committed within PETRONAS, to the extent reasonably practicable, provided that the disclosure is made in good faith.
Such protection is accorded even if the investigation later reveals that the whistleblower is mistaken as to the facts and the rules and procedures involved.
The protection to the Whistleblower can be revoked under the following circumstances, among others:
The process and procedures stated below is subject to the requirements of applicable law. Please contact your Human Resources Department, Legal Department or PETRONAS Contact Person if you are unclear about the laws and regulations that apply to your jurisdiction.
For more info, kindly refer to:
PETRONAS Whistleblowing Privacy Notice
PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy (English)
PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy (BM)
PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy (Arabic)
Australian Addendum to PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy
Turkmenistan Addendum to PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy
The process and procedures stated below is subject to the requirements of applicable law. Please contact your Human Resources Department, Legal Department or PETRONAS Contact Person if you are unclear about the laws and regulations that apply to your jurisdiction.
What is PETRONAS WhistleNOW?
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What is “Whistleblowing”?
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Who is “Whistle-blower’?
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What is the objective of PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy?
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What kind of misconduct will the Whistleblowing channel pursue further?
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What are the channels for whistle-blower to make a complaint?
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What information should a whistle-blower provide to PETRONAS?
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What happens after the whistle-blower submits the complaint to the Whistleblowing channel?
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What kind of evidence is accepted by the Whistleblowing channel?
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What distinguishes the Whistleblowing channel from other channels?
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Can a whistle-blower later decide to withdraw his/her complaint?
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Does a whistle-blower need to reveal his/her identity?
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What is the protection that are granted to whistle-blower?
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What is the possibility that a whistle-blower’s identity is leaked during an investigation?
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Can the protection initially accorded be revoked? If yes, under what circumstances can it be revoked?
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If I file a whistleblower complaint through the whistleblowing procedures, will my identity be revealed?
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I know that I will not be fired if I file a whistleblowing report in good faith, but I am worried that I will be ostracised by colleagues for betraying my unit. Is my concern legitimate?
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If I file a whistleblower report, am I immune from punishment of any kind by the company?
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PETRONAS WhistleNOW is a whistleblowing platform powered by Whispli that enables PETRONAS employees and members of the public to whistleblow and engage in a two-way secured chat through a “Safe Inbox” with the Whistleblowing Secretariat.
What is a “Safe Inbox”?
"Safe Inbox'" is a tool that enables you to securely connect with PETRONAS. All reports are anonymous by default, but you have the option to reveal your identity when submitting a report if you wish. Additionally, you can utilise the 'Safe Inbox' to communicate with PETRONAS to request updates and/or provide additional information or documents.
How do I create a “Safe Inbox”?
All you need to do is create a username and a password. You may provide your email address later in the settings to receive notifications and to recover your lost password. Neither your username nor your email address will be accessible to PETRONAS unless you have included it in the report.
What happens if I forget my username or password to log in to my “Safe Inbox”?
It is important that you keep a record of your username since Whispli won't be able to recover it if lost. If you forget your password, you can recover it by providing the email address you used to create your "Safe Inbox". Otherwise, you will need to create a new report.
Do I need to create a “Safe Inbox” each time I want to raise a concern?
No. With the same "Safe Inbox", you can create multiple reports. Each time you submit a report, a different system-generated avatar will be assigned to protect your identity. PETRONAS will never be able to identify if reports are coming from the same "Safe Inbox".
How does PETRONAS WhistleNOW protect my data?
Powered by Whispli, PETRONAS WhistleNOW utilises high-grade AES256 encryption to safeguard your data. Your IP address is deleted every time and is never stored on our servers or logs.
What if I do not want to report through PETRONAS WhistleNOW?
Alternatively, you may also submit your disclosure through any of the following channels:
It is an act of voluntary disclosure/reporting to the Management of any improper conduct (misconduct or criminal offence or malpractices) committed or about to be committed by an employee of the company for further action.
Any employee (or group of employees) of PETRONAS or members of the public including vendors, contractors or customers who makes a disclosure against an employee of the company about an actual, suspected or anticipated improper conduct within the company.
This policy is to provide an avenue for all employees of PETRONAS and members of the public to disclose any improper conduct involving an employee of PETRONAS in accordance with the procedures as provided for under this policy and to provide protection for employees and members of the public who report such allegations. Source: PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy
We will pursue all types of complaints which includes:
The above list is not exhaustive and include any act or omissions, which if proven, will constitute an act of omissions, misconduct under PETRONAS' Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE) or any criminal offence under relevant legislations in force.
A whistle-blower can make a complaint through one of the following Whistleblowing channels:
P.O Box No. 11646, Pejabat Pos Besar Kuala Lumpur
Whistleblowing Channel accepts any form of evidence provided by a whistle-blower (e.g., pictures, videos, and voice recording, etc).
Yes, a whistle-blower may withdraw his/her complaint.
No, it is not a requirement for a whistle-blower to reveal his/her identity. A whistle-blower can choose to remain anonymous as long as he/she provides information as per 1.2.2 and can be contactable for further queries.
A whistle-blower will be protected under PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy as per following:
There is no possibility that a whistle-blower's identity is leaked during an investigation.
Under the PETRONAS Whistleblowing Policy, the nature of the complaint and the identity of the whistle-blower will be protected, as far as reasonably practicable unless the whistle-blower conducts himself/herself in a manner which may result in the revocation of the said protection.
Identity of whistle-blower is kept confidential by Whistleblowing Secretariat (WBS) unless consent to disclose whistle-blower’s identity is granted by whistle-blower.
Yes. The protection to the whistleblower can be revoked under the following circumstances, among others:
PETRONAS will take steps to see that your identity is kept confidential to the extent reasonably practicable. If you report your own criminal behaviour, or you are found to have been personally involved in improper activity, however, PETRONAS reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action, including reporting illegal activity to the public authorities.
PETRONAS’ policy prohibits any form of retaliation against you for whistleblowing in good faith. That includes social retaliation.
You will be protected from retaliation for your report, but if you yourself have broken the law or company policies, you may be disciplined for that misconduct. Also, whistleblower status will not give you general license to violate company policies.