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Licensing & Procurement in Malaysia

This section provides information on licensing and registration for Malaysian-based vendors (contractors/suppliers) who are interested in doing business with PETRONAS. The application procedures, guidelines and requirements are subject to change from time to time.

  • Overview of Licensing & Procurement Process
  • PETRONAS License & Registration Requirement in Malaysia
  • Licensing & Registration Platform
  • Procurement Platform
  • Contact Us

How to become a PETRONAS vendor and participate in PETRONAS tenders?

How to become a PETRONAS vendor and participate in PETRONAS tenders?


Determine Eligibility

Based on PETRONAS Licensing/ Registration requirement.


Complete Online Registration

Via PETRONAS Licensing Management System (PLMS)


Perform Procurement Activities Online

Via Procurement Platform

How to participate in other Operators’ tender in Malaysia

How to participate in other Operators’ tender in Malaysia


Determine Eligibility

Based on PETRONAS Licensing/ Registration requirement.


Complete Online Registration

Via PETRONAS Licensing Management System (PLMS)


Wait and respond to Invitation To Bid

from PAC if identified as a bidder in PAC tendering exercise


Important Note

PETRONAS is committed in upholding Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) in wherever we operate. Click here for HSE Training Guideline for Contractor, a reference guide on HSE training.

PETRONAS License & Registration Requirement in Malaysia

Applicants are advised to have full understanding of PETRONAS Licensing and Registration General Guidelines and to ensure compliance with the general requirements before submitting application for license or registration via PETRONAS License Management System (PLMS) online platform.

The references are as follows:
General Guidelines (English) (BM)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Definition of Application Type


A company with a valid license is allowed to supply goods/services to both upstream and downstream sector of the oil and gas industry in Malaysia.

Examples of clients are: Petroleum Arrangement Contractors (PACs), PETRONAS subsidiaries, Offshore Fabrication Contractors, MISC and others.


A company with a valid registration is allowed to supply goods/services to the downstream sector of the oil and gas industry, serving PETRONAS subsidiaries only.

Examples of clients are: PETRONAS subsidiaries such as PETRONAS Chemicals Group, PETRONAS Gas Berhad, PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad and others.

Applications Involving Foreign Companies

There are three ways for a foreign company to be licensed with PETRONAS:

  1. By appointing a local company as Agent.
  2. By forming a local Joint-Venture (JV) company with a local partner.
  3. By opening a local branch in Malaysia.

In appointing a local agent, foreign companies are encouraged to select local agent from the existing PETRONAS licensed / registered vendors to ensure that PETRONAS License and Registration requirements are fully met. In appointing a local JV partner or opening a local branch, foreign companies must comply with the requirements as stipulated in the General Guidelines and submit application for License and Registration via PLMS.

Standardised Work and Equipment Categories (SWEC)

Divided into broad categories of Products and Services, SWEC refers to the list of work categories in upstream and downstream.

SWEC Mapping

Minimum Technical Requirement (MTR)

Certain SWECs has minimum technical requirements which companies need to comply with before submitting application for license/registration.

Downloads: SWEC Minimum Technical Requirements

For information on PETRONAS procurement process, please refer to our Procurement Platform.

Licensing & Registration Platform

PLMS is the online platform for new license/registration application by eligible vendors.

PLMS is designed around improved efficiency and intuitive navigation which complements the new Unified Procurement Platform, to give you a streamlined end-to-end procurement experience that elevates business efficiency and transparency. Follow these simple steps to get started.

Licensing & Registration activities that can be performed via PLMS are:

  • Apply/Update/Renewal/Cancellation of License or Registration
  • Apply/Update/Renewal/Cancellation of SWEC
  • Update Company Profile and Information

PETRONAS Licensing Management System (PLMS) – for new license/registration application.

0New user ID registration


Procurement Platform

In line with PETRONAS vision of going digital, we are implementing a new Unified Procurement Platform to provide PETRONAS vendors with a streamlined business experience.

The Unified Procurement Platform also enables the Business-to-Business (B2B) marketplace for selected products.

Unified Procurement Platform

A cloud-based end-to-end source-to-pay procurement platform.

Only applicable for PETRONAS Subsidiaries listed here.

Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketplace

B2B platform is an e-commerce marketplace which integrates with the new Unified Procurement Platform.

This marketplace allows PETRONAS users to buy non-stock and non-contracted products from PETRONAS licensed/registered vendors.

PETRONAS Supplier Self Service (SUS) Portal

PETRONAS Supplier Self Service (SUS) is a procure-to-pay platform, applicable for PETRONAS Subsidiaries that are not enabled with Unified Procurement Platform.

The Unified Procurement Platform, GEP SMART™ will provide PETRONAS vendors with a streamlined business experience through features such as centralised system for bid submissions, dedicated channel for tender clarifications, contract management repository and others.


Unified Procurement Platform


For more information or detailed instructions on account creation & system navigation, you may refer to the links below:

Unified Procurement Platform (GEP SMART™) Supplier Login
[New] Unified Procurement Platform (GEP SMART™) Supplier User Guide
[New] Unified Procurement Platform (GEP SMART™) Supplier Video Walkthroughs
[New] Unified Procurement Platform (GEP SMART™) Supplier Frequently Asked Questions

For further inquiries, please contact or call us at 1-800-88-0011.

Important Note

Before conducting any procurement activities with PETRONAS, you need to be a licensed or registered PETRONAS vendor (application via PLMS).

PETRONAS vendors are advised to manage both accounts in PETRONAS Supplier Self Service (SUS) Portal and the new Unified Procurement Platform to avoid missing out on any business opportunities with PETRONAS.

Please be informed that you may receive tender notification(s) from either PETRONAS Supplier Self Service (SUS) Portal or the Unified Procurement Platform depending on tender owner.

For further inquiries, please contact or call us at 1-800-88-0011.

Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketplace is an e-commerce marketplace which integrates with the new Unified Procurement Platform.

Currently, the B2B Marketplace allows PETRONAS Users to buy non-stock and non-contracted products from PETRONAS licensed/registered vendors.


B2B Marketplace


Please refer to the following steps and general requirements for you to be a listed vendor on the B2B Marketplace:

Step 1

Apply PETRONAS License/ Register via PLMS for selected non-stock categories

Step 2

Create an account to be registered in the B2B Marketplace platform(s). It’s free!

Step 3

Upload your product(s) into the marketplace catalogue

Step 4

Start to receive purchase order from buyer

Step 5

Payment will be transferred to you once goods are successfully delivered

The B2B Marketplace is only applicable for vendors who are licensed/registered with PETRONAS under the non-stock categories.

For more information or detailed instructions on the system navigation, you may refer to the links below

B2B Marketplace Platform Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
B2B Marketplace User Guide

For further inquiries, please contact or call us at 1-800-88-0011.

PETRONAS Supplier Self Service (SUS) is a procure-to-pay platform, applicable for subsidiaries that are not enabled by the new Unified Procurement Platform.

0Login to PETRONAS Supplier Self Service (SUS) portal

For more information, you may refer to the links below:

SUS System Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
SUS System User Guide
SRM Vendor Briefing
SRM Vendor Cutover Plan
Need Help to use System?

For further inquiries, please contact or call us at 1-800-88-0011.

Important Note

Before conducting any procurement activities with PETRONAS, you need to be a licensed or registered PETRONAS vendor (application via PLMS).

PETRONAS vendors are advised to manage both accounts in PETRONAS Supplier Self Service (SUS) Portal and the new Unified Procurement Platform to avoid missing out on any business opportunities with PETRONAS.

For further inquiries, please contact or call us at 1-800-88-0011.

PETRONAS Licensing and Registration

Please be informed that our Service Counter at Level 9, Tower 1, PETRONAS Twin Towers and Regional Self-service Kiosk will be suspended until further notice due to COVID-19.

For issues related to PETRONAS licensing system or inquiries on general licensing and registration matters, please click here.

Note: All enquiries will be managed through the channels mentioned above, including regional offices.

Procurement Platform Systems

For issues related to PETRONAS Procurement Platform systems (SUS Portal, Unified Procurement Platform or B2B Marketplace), please contact:

PETRONAS Contact Centre
Tel: 1-800-88-0011
Monday – Friday: 8.00am - 5.00pm

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