Policies, Standards & Guidelines

Policies, Standards
& Guidelines
Explore our key policies, standards, and guidelines, understand their purpose, and learn how we implement rigorous due diligence processes.
Climate Change
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard To provide guidance on GHG accounting methodology and standards
PETRONAS Technical Standards on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Management
American Petroleum Institute (API) Compendium of GHG Emissions Methodologies for the Natural Gas and Oil Industry (2021)
Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures To provide guidance on climate risks management
PCG Net Zero Carbon Emissions 2050 Roadmap To guide GHG emissions reduction efforts through identified levers
Environmental Stewardship
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PCG Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy To iterate PCG’s aspiration and commitments to attain and sustain excellence in environmental matters
Innovation & Product Stewardship
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
Research & Development (R&D) for PETRONAS Chemicals Group To provide guidance for the selection and execution of Research & Technology projects through a stage-gate process
Product Sustainable Design Guideline To guide the incorporation of sustainable product criteria into the design and development of innovative product selection
PETRONAS Technical Standard (PTS) To guide product safety and sustainability Management
Circular Economy
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PETRONAS Circular Economy To set the path towards a circular economy to enable a low waste future, steward natural resources and minimise our carbon footprint, in line with PETRONAS' Circular Economy approach
New Plastics Economy (NPE) Communications Plan To increase public awareness and community outreach on the aims and aspirations of NPE
Safety & Health
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PCG HSE Policy To reinforce our commitment to health and safety excellence
Supply Chain Management
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PETRONAS Contractors Code of Conduct on Human Rights (CoCHR) To strengthen the implementation of PETRONAS Human Rights Commitment and practices across the business value chain
PETRONAS Procurement Standard (PPS) To secure the best value in the procurement of goods and services while upholding good procurement governance
Compliance Clauses (Ethics and Anti-Bribery, Anti-Money Laundering, Competition Laws, Personal Data Protection, Sanctions, Human Rights) To mitigate legal, financial and reputational risks to PETRONAS, which extend to our supply chain
Community Engagement
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
Yayasan PETRONAS Guidelines for Donations To define the standard procedures and guidelines for donation management
Yayasan PETRONAS Guidelines for Programme Development and Execution To define the standard procedures and guidelines on matters related to the Social Impact programme development and execution
PETRONAS Strategic Communications Management System To provide guidance for the PETRONAS Group on planning, implementing and executing strategic communications activities
Talent Management and Well-being
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
Talent Development for PETRONAS To provide an enabling environment for employees to self-drive performance and development in order to create and add value to the individual and organisation’s growth and sustainability
PCG Leadership Development Framework To create a ready pool of talents that are agile and well-equipped with the necessary skills and experience to thrive in the long term through the right exposure from the early stages of their career
Corporate Governance
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PETRONAS Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy & Guidelines (ABC Manual) To provide guidance on how to deal with improper solicitation, bribery and corruption activities and issues that may arise in the course of business
PETRONAS Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CoBE) To advance the principles of discipline, good conduct, professionalism, loyalty, integrity and cohesiveness, which are critical to the success and well-being of the PETRONAS Group
PCG Risk Policy To be a risk resilient organisation in achieving business objectives
PETRONAS Procurement Standard (PPS) To secure the best value in procurement of goods and services while upholding good procurement governance
Business Strategy and Financial Resilience
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PCG Two-Pronged Strategy To develop a portfolio of derivatives and specialty chemicals while sustaining PCG’s strength in basic petrochemicals
Production & Operations Management System To provide the minimum requirements to manage plant operations safely and efficiently
Physical Asset Management System To effectively manage maintenance and physical assets, including the Turnaround Management system
Quality Management System To ensure the effective management of product quality throughout the whole process
Human Rights
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PETRONAS Human Rights Commitment To strengthen the implementation of PETRONAS’ Human Rights Commitment and practices across the business value chain
UNGP on Business and Human Rights To guide business in managing human rights across the value chain
International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental on Principles and Rights at Work
Cybersecurity & Digitalisation
Policies, Standards and Guidelines Aim of Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PETRONAS ICT Principles To serve as the overarching statements that set out the purpose, commitment, and governance of ICT and records management
PETRONAS Enterprise Cybersecurity Governance Framework To provide a single consolidated view of the frameworks, standards and guidelines required to govern and manage cybersecurity across PETRONAS with clear lines of accountability
PETRONAS Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidelines To establish the governing elements and processes to access, evaluate, treat, monitor and review cybersecurity risk
PETRONAS Records Management Standards & Guideline To standardise documents classified in accordance to the appropriate document security classification ie.e secret, confidential, internal and open
Harnessing Potential.
PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad Sustainability Report 2024
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