Sustainability in PCG

PCG & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Our Commitment to the SDGs
In 2015, the UN outlined 17 SDGs to address global challenges including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change and environmental degradation. The SDGs set an agenda for governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), corporations and all other stakeholders across the world to work together to create a sustainable future for all by 2030.
Recognising the criticality of the issues targeted, and in continuing efforts to support the nation’s socio-economic development, PETRONAS Group has “adopted” seven of the SDGs which now serve to guide its sustainability agenda:

Following an evaluation of our operations and the impact we have on communities, PCG has embraced the seven SDGs mentioned and added another five: SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; SDG 14: Life Below Water; SDG 15: Life on Land; and SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

We have termed these our priority SDGs and refer to them in shaping our sustainability directions as well as our policies.
Our Sustainability Strategy
Our Sustainability Strategy takes into consideration our material matters and is designed to create value for our stakeholders. Outcomes of initiatives under the three broad sustainability focus areas – namely Business Sustenance, Resource Efficiency and Social Responsibility – support the SDGs that we embrace.

Sustainability Management and Performance
We are driven by a deep-rooted commitment to operating in a manner that is environmentally and socially responsible. A sustainability-based approach allows us to meet the needs of stakeholders, as well as deal with the complex challenges of a modern world. The disclosure of our Sustainability Management and Performance are evidence to our commitment to continued improvement and strategic approach to sustainability matters.
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